
Learn traditional kung fu, effective self-defence and gain fitness and confidence at Wirral Applied Fist Kung Fu Academy, a friendly martial arts club.

The Applied Fist system respects and uses the most effective aspects of traditional Kung Fu styles including Hung Gar, Choy Lai Fut and Wing Chun, plus Ju Jitsu, to create a self-defence system for the modern day. 


We train Mondays, 6.30 - 8.30pm

Our club welcomes all students aged 16+, from absolute beginners to those with previous martial arts experience.

Lessons are £8.  Try your first one for free!

A typical class includes:

  • Warm up and stretching
  • Pad work (combinations of punches, kicks, knee and elbow strikes)
  • Self-defence techniques
  • Traditional forms from the main styles of kung fu
  • Students working towards their next grading
  • For more experienced students, sparring as an extension to self defence

All classes take place in a friendly and fun environment where students of all levels train with and support each other.

Wirral Kung Fu Academy sparring defensive kick
Wirral Kung Fu Academy sparring jab

How to find and contact us

Wirral Kung Fu Academy sparring rising block

We train at Irby Village Hall, a few minutes’ drive from junction 3 of the M53 in Wirral.

87 Thingwall Rd, Wirral. CH61 3UB

Call, text or email for more information:

07530 175 846 - Christian Spencer (Assistant Instructor)

07833 708 918 - Dave Hammond (Student)